Over the last couple of months, a new pandemic has swept over the world. Coronavirus, or to call it its scientific name, COVID-19, is a highly infectious disease that, whilst originating in China, has quickly swept over various countries and continents. Whilst, in relative terms, it has not got a high fatality rate, there has been a trend emerging.
Those who have died from the effects of the coronavirus, are typically over the age of seventy, and have pre-existing medical conditions. If you are worried about yourself, or a loved one, please feel free to heed the advice that the Safe Hands Live-In Care team have detailed below. As a leading provider of carers at home for the elderly, we are in a prime position to offer first-class advice and live in care prices.
What Are The Symptoms?
For many people, establishing the differences between what is the flu, and what is the coronavirus, is not particularly clear-cut. Whilst they both start out as a fever, leading to a high temperature, there are a number of key factors which can help to establish which you are suffering with.
With the coronavirus, after a short while it is likely that the sufferer will begin to notice that they are struggling for breath. This is because COVID-19 has been known to target the respiratory system of those that are afflicted.
What precautions can you take?
There has been much advice that has been put into circulation by local authorities and the national government, in relation to how best to avoid getting infected. One of the key precautions that is being advocated, is the consistent and regular washing of one’s hands. For peace of mind, this should be done for around 20 seconds, and involve the usage of a hand wash or soap that is alcohol based.
Another precaution that is more related to protecting others, is to cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm. This is to try and limit the transmission of the coronavirus disease from person-to-person.
What happens if I become infected?
One of the most important things that you must do if you believe that you are infected with COVID-19, is limit the amount of contact that you have with the outside world. Work and public areas, in general, should, as a whole, be avoided at all costs.
Aside from visiting the hospital, or your primary provider of medical care, you should self-isolate for a minimum of 14 days. Although, as of yet, there have not been any cases involving animals, we would also suggest keeping a distance from pets that you have. This would also be a scenario that warrants the wearing of a facemask – if you cannot source one online, consult your doctor.
Miscellaneous Information
As COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation, the severity of the disease should not be underestimated. Many countries have closed their borders to travellers, apart from if it is their native country. There are long-term consequences of this disease that, as of yet, cannot be comprehended; therefore, we advise that you heed the words of reliable authorities, and stay vigilant.
Who are Safe Hands Live in Care
When it comes to companies that offer private respite care and temporary live in carer, it is hard to surpass the quality that is present at Safe Hands Live-In Care. To us, it matters not if you are wanting to organise care for the elderly, or are in need of a temporary live-in carer to bring in food and medicine for someone suffering from early coronavirus signs. Our sole purpose is to ensure that you get access to cost-effective care, that does not compromise on quality for the price. For anyone that would like to browse through the various packages that we have to offer, or wants to educate themselves on our live-in care prices, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. If you wish to go through your options with a member of our team, you are more than welcome to have a chat with us.