We realise how upsetting it might be to watch a loved one suffer from a life-limiting disease. That’s where we come in; we can provide expert palliative care at-home or end-of-life care at-home assistance so your family may make the most of their time together.
Palliative care at home helps you stay in the comfort of your own home, surrounded by your loved ones and memories. You can get a professional home carer skilled in palliative care whenever you need it.
Our palliative care experts or hospice care follows national palliative care rules. Personal care, pain management for neurological and physical symptoms, medication administration, meal preparation, and companionship care are all covered by our palliative care specialists.
Thanks to trained caregivers and local branches across UK, fast-track palliative care may be offered. Hospices, NHS continuing health care crews, support groups, and district nurses are among the organisations we commonly collaborate with. This allows us to provide the appropriate amount of home care for patients and their families and other aspects of your care plan.
Palliative care, or end-of-life care, is a special kind of medical treatment for those suffering from terminal or serious illnesses such as advanced cancer or dementia. The support focuses on reducing the symptoms, suffering, and stress associated with a serious illness while keeping you as comfortable.
The purpose of palliative care is to improve patient’s and family’s life quality. Palliative care is offered by doctors, nurses, and other experts who collaborate with a patient’s medical team to offer additional support to the patient and their family. Palliative care can be delivered at any age and any stage of a serious disease, and it can be given in conjunction with curative therapy.
If you have a terminal disease, your treatment and care will normally focus on:
Palliative care is a holistic treatment that looks after every aspect of your health. Rather than curing the illness, palliative home care attempts to make you feel supported and comfortable.
While some patients get palliative care in a residential nursing home or an inpatient hospital, it is more typical for people to receive palliative care at home. As a method of regulating emotional responses to their symptoms, many people want to stay in their familiar surroundings; this is sometimes referred to as hospice care at home.
At-home palliative care can include:
Palliative home care comes in a variety of forms.
Unlike other palliative care introduction groups, you will have a local care manager on call if your symptoms change or if you need your medical team to respond. This fully managed service provides you the assurance that if your care needs change, we will be able to swiftly alter the support to match your needs.
The following are examples of palliative care:
Live-in care, often known as 24-hour care, provides you with daily assistance from a highly trained live-in caregiver. This caregiver, who has been carefully chosen based on your personality and care requirements, will live with you at home and provide daily assistance.
With end-of-life care, your caregiver is likely to become a great companion or friend, promoting your freedom as well as helping you in getting the most out of life.
Here’s additional information about what live-in care entails.
Whether you want assistance visits at specific times of the day – or overnight – your local Safe Hands Living branch will provide you with the appropriate level of care. Our support services range from a weekly half-hour visit to many daily visits or nocturnal assistance.
One of our highly experienced carers can assist you in remaining self-sufficient at home, providing you and your loved ones complete peace of mind in knowing you’re getting specialized care.
If your regular caregiver needs a break, we may provide live-in respite care for as little as three days. We can help you with emergency care right away, whether your normal caregiver has let you down or they’ve been unwell.
One of the most significant benefits of getting palliative care at home is that it enables a person to spend their last weeks, and days at the place where they feel most at ease and safe: their home.
They will be with someone they know and trust while getting palliative care. Knowing this can provide families and close friends peace of mind and reassurance that the individual is receiving proper care. As a result, “end-of-life care” and “hospice care” are often interchanged.
When care is offered at home rather than in a hospital or hospice, it is less disturbing for everyone. Any changes in condition will be detected quickly and treated with round-the-clock attention.
You may also be convinced that the individual providing care has been comprehensively assessed and has gone through specific palliative care training, enabling them to offer practical as well as emotional support to you and your family.
Long-term diseases’ symptoms might change quickly. Palliative care may be quite beneficial, particularly if someone is in pain or suffering.
We can normally begin arranging care within 24 hours of receiving your call for emergency home care. This is especially vital if you cannot plan ahead of time due to a variety of factors. If you are currently residing in a hospital or a residential institution, your local care manager can assist you with returning home.
Please contact us if you’d like to discuss your options. Our crew is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. We can get support up and running in as little as 24 hours in many circumstances.
Our caregivers have undergone comprehensive training to ensure that they have a full understanding and hands-on experience with end-of-life home care.
Some of our caregivers have also gone through a training program focusing on palliative and end-of-life care. Caregivers who get this additional training have previously worked in a setting where high-quality palliative care is provided.
This extra training builds on their existing experiences and knowledge in palliative care, giving you peace of mind that you are getting high-quality. This person-centered treatment follows current NHS, NICE, and CQC recommendations.
Contact our office and one of our care advisors will talk you through your requirements over the phone and then schedule a free, no-obligation assessment (usually at your home).
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