Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in situations that aren’t exactly ideal or what we necessarily had planned. Whether this is looking after the people that used to look after you or fully supporting others. For many, it is something that they feel as though they have to do. Often, caregivers don’t give themselves a choice when it comes to providing care for loved ones and it is just something they get on with.
Unfortunately, providing a high level of care that is required isn’t always possible, especially if you’re already juggling lots of other things in your day-to-day life. This is often when people start to experience caregiver guilt. This guilt can take over caregiver’s lives and make the role even more stressful than it already is.
If this sounds like something you are currently experiencing then you aren’t alone. It is incredibly common and far too many caregivers go through this stage. Safe Hands Live-in Care want to support anyone experiencing this horrible feeling and help them to see light at the end of the tunnel. Keep reading today for our best advice regarding how to deal with caregiver guilt in the right way.
Live in Caregiver UK: Acknowledge the feeling
The more you try to ignore the guilt or cast it aside, the worse it will get. The first step is acknowledging and owning this feeling, then you will be better able to deal with it and can start to move on. This is sometimes the hardest step but it is crucial to dealing with caregiver guilt correctly.
Accept that you’re only human
Everyone makes mistakes from time to time and life can be complicated and difficult. There is sometimes nothing you can do to help situations and that is absolutely fine, after all, you’re only human.
You may be brilliant at handling the emotional toll of caregiving but your struggling with some of the physical aspects and splitting your time, again this is absolutely fine. Accepting that there is only so much you can do is another important step. Recognise your strengths and don’t focus on the negatives.
Look at the bigger picture
Although you may be stressed with the particular situation you are in now, it will not last forever. Look at the bigger picture and realise that overall, you are doing a great job.
The situation you are in right now and the way that you are feeling probably means that it is time to think about the future. Consider how you can help yourself in the long run and what you can do to help make your day-to-day life a bit easier. When doing this, don’t be afraid to be selfish, sometimes you are more helpful to someone when you take a step back.
Reach out for support
Seek caregiver support groups to help you work through these feelings, or try talking to your close friends about the situation you are in. Opening up and discussing caregiver guilt is essential and knowing that you aren’t alone is important.
You may also want to reach out to a care agency to see how they can help you. Just because you’re reaching out doesn’t mean you have to commit to anything, always remember that. Ask some questions and get some information together to see how they may be able to benefit you.
Overcoming caregiver guilt
It is important to know that caregiver guilt is a real feeling and not something to be ashamed of. You are doing something incredible for someone that you love and it is often challenging, so you’re allowed to feel this way. Your whole caregiving journey is destined to be one of angst and suffering if you let guilt stay, so do all you can to overcome it.
If you would like to speak to an experienced friendly care agency in the UK to discuss how they can assist you with caregiving then, Safe Hands Live-in Care are happy to talk. Whether you’re caring for a young adult or your elderly parents, we can provide you with a solution for professional care. If you think you may need some temporary care, private respite care, or you’re looking for a more permanent solution, supported living at home, we will happily discuss all of your options with you.